Thursday, May 9, 2013

Script to update BackTrack5 V.: 1.7

The purpose of Bt5up is to update/add and bug fix BackTrack 5 tools.
Compatible with Backtrack 5 R3

Version 1.7 is out see the changelog to read the fixes and addons.

As you can see in the screen it display the version you have installed and the latest version available and the Main Menu with all the different topics to update/install, here is the complete menu:

1. Update and clean Backtrack.
2. Exploit tools.
  1.  Metasploit Framework.
  2.  Exploit-db.
  3.  SET – Social Engineering Toolkit.
  4.  Update all.
3. Wireless & Telephony.
  1.  Aircrack-ng and Airdrop.
  2.  WarVox.
  3. WiFite.
  4. Dedected.
  5. Fern Wifi Cracker
  6.  Giskismet.
  7.  Update all
4. Web & Database.
  1.  W3AF.
  2.  Nikto.
  3. BeEF
  4.  Sqlmap.
  5. SQLNinja.
  6.  Fimap.
  7. JoomScan.
  8. WPScan.
  9. HexorBase.
  10.  Update all.
5. Others.
  1.  Nessus.
  2. Wireshark
  3.  OpenVAS.
  4. Nmap
  5.  Update all.
6. Update All
7. Update Script
8. Changelog
9. Feedback (Gmail)
10. Fix BT5 Bugs/Customize BT5
  1. Startx after login
  2. Change Login message(motd)
  3. Set PulseAudio to autostart
  4. Set Wicd autostart
  5. Install FlashPlayer 11
11. Additional Tools
  1. Nessus
  2. Crypter
  3. Ghost Phisher
  4. TMNT Project
  5. The Mole

How to run:
 git clone git://  
 cd bt5up  

For more details use: -h  
Hope you enjoy

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